Director & Mental Health Social Worker

Felicity Dewar is a Mental Health Social Worker with a Bachelor degree in Social Work, and has experienced working in both the Out-of-Home-Care sector (OoHC), assisting children and teenagers that are living within foster care placement, kinship care and residential care houses in Geelong as a case manager. Felicity is also working as a school social worker within a wellbeing team at a Geelong secondary college.

Trained in trauma-informed care and possessing a well developed understanding of the impacts of trauma and complex trauma on the lives of others has motivated Felicity to strive towards achieving best outcomes for both the child and their family. Felicity seeks to help some of the most vulnerable and marginalised individuals towards improving their quality of life.

Compassion and deep understanding of the many challenges faced by young people on their journeys, combined with resources and knowledge for those with diverse needs has aligned Felicity as an Ally for the LGBTIQA+ community. This propelled her towards developing Q-Rious young person/parent group support programs, tailored for those who are curiously questioning, exploring their gender identity - through to living life with authenticity!

Felicity looks forward to assisting you with your enquiry, intervention/assessment and service provision of therapeutic supports - as part of the community, at Ariston House.

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this land the Wadawurrung people of the Kulin nation, we acknowledge the waterways the land the sky and all who inhabit this place, Country. We acknowledge their ancestors, and elders and recognise those who continue to protect and promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. We acknowledge the past and stand together for our future.

Our rates

1:1 Sessions between the individual and the therapeutic clinician are designated for individuals to process and explore their thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviour and discover new ways of approaching both short and long-term challenges. Typically, meetings are weekly or bi-weekly.

60 mins | $150 | Get started

1:1 Therapeutic Support

This support group program for parents and carers is run one evening per month (a minimum of three sessions is recommended). The program is run within the school terms throughout the year, and aimed at parent’s and carers of gender diverse children/adolescents. The program is within a closed group setting, and will inform, support and provide opportunity to explore with others who are also navigating this pathway. The program will highlight the specific areas of challenge that are faced by their child and their families while undergoing gender identity exploration. Information and guidance on the appropriate services and steps to be taken to access these will be provided.

60 mins | $80 | Get started

Q-rious Me - Parent support group program

An LGBTIQA+ group program that is designed to meet the needs of gender questioning individuals, who may be considering making a social or physical transition to the gender identity that best aligns with their authentic selves. The program will incorporate how to calm the body & brain, teaching emotional regulation, whilst providing a safe forum for identity development and building self-confidence. A minimum of three sessions is recommended, and sessions are held once per month in line with the school terms throughout the year.

60 mins | $80 | Get started

Q-rious Me - Young people group program

Q-Rious Me presentations will build school capacity, by offering professional development for teaching staff, school wellbeing and student support teams. Providing an up-skilling opportunity to further develop in knowledge and confidence when engaging with LGBTIQA+ students. Information and guidance around best practice, applying inclusive language and usage of their ‘preferred name and pronouns’ of their students, will strengthen and protect the school community, and is in line with the child safety standards (2022).

Empowering the lives of LGBTIQA+ students while at school through promotion of equity and fairness, will enhance social and emotional wellbeing’s and build confidence amongst this cohort, which is protective against potential school disengagement.

Q-Rious Me is able to assist your school with ideas and knowledge of what works, and how to build LGBTIQA+ visibility for your school community, including how to set up lunchtime groups and honour diversity days.

90 mins | $100 | Get started

Q-Rious Me - School Education presentations

Somatic Healing Therapy

Pellowah expands consciousness, helping the person to become more objective. It is a non-touch therapy that works with fine energy to clear and release trapped energy within the body, and restore balance once more.

This technique is similar to Reiki, however, it is more gentle and less ‘earthy’. The growth and change brought about by Pellowah will help a person to build on their ‘old frameworks’ without the trauma that can occur, such as re-triggering, and re-traumatising (something that shorter-term interventions such as talking therapies may do inadvertently).

Pellowah may also help psychological and physical conditions that are not found in any obvious part of the body (like depression or chronic fatigue).

60 minutes | $80 | Get started

Get started with Curious Me Therapeutic Support.